Sunday, November 7, 2010

ang manugtaho kung gab-i bla

"waay ko ambisyon maging rich. i just want to be free and do the things i want to do. there's something wrong with me, i think", says one of my high school friend. and she added, " gusto ko ya ang chaktuhan lng bla aw. kay ga praning ka man kung tam-an kaw ka rich." and she asked me what is my passion. i was caught off guard.

can't help but smile.

she's like snow white who fled the castle and prefers the company of her sweet dwarfs, or better yet, the princess who left kingdom far far away and live a cursed life with his ogre, happily ever after. there's really something wrong with her. WTFH, i want to get rich. everybody wants to!!!

i realize she has a point. i wonder how many percent of the world's population does not want, say, a yacht, a beverly hills mansion, or a limo. IS MONEY EVERYTHING???

NO. and let me tell you why. money can buy you clothes, but never the confidence to wear it with. it can buy you a queen-size bed, but never the quality of sleeping. it can buy you a creme brulee, but never the sweet tooth and the appetite to eat it. it can buy you a sumptuous dinner, but never the person to dine it with. it can whiten your teeth and buy you braces, but it can never buy the smile to wear it with. it can buy you books, but never the knowledge we can get from it. it can buy education, but never the things we learned outside the classroom. it can bring us to places we want, but never the experience of it. it can buy us a camera to capture moments, but never those moments, never. it can buy NASA a new space shuttle, but never the assurance for the astronauts to come back safe and alive. it can buy us a house, but never a home.

money may be something, but it isn't everything. and there are millions of reasons for that. :]

i believe that if God really wanted us all to be rich, he would have placed us in Jupiter in the first place at the dawn of creation. could you imagine planet Earth with 6 billion yachts, 6 billion mansions, and 6 billion limos??? Atlas would give up, and probably would throw us out of solar system. that's why God created michaelangelo, da vinci, einstein, shakespeare, and the manugtaho in our neighborhood. God wants to tell us to pursue our own passions in life.
follow excellence, and success will chase you. be the best of what you can be and leave everything up to Him. and most of all, be happy. because SUCCESS ISN'T ALWAYS HAPPINESS, BUT HAPPINESS IS ALWAYS A SUCCESS.


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